
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Good Times

Good Times! 
In my second to last quarter of college, my teacher brought in a book. I can't remember the name of the book sadly, but I can tell you about it. It had tons of different illustrators, every 2 pages it would talk about a different person. But that wasn't the best part, no the best part was that this book was all about the illustrators sketchbooks. There were pages and pages of different styles and colors, techinques and applications. Some things were really silly, other serious. Some of the sketches were so good they looked like finished pieces! Out of all the great works I saw, one sketch book really caught my eye.

She was lucky enough to get a 4 page spread and sadly I can't remember her name. But her sketchbook was like a journal and it was personal without being or feeling personal. She had pages and pages of positive things and the pages were dated. Telling us what made her happy that day, it could be big or small. Some pages where very colorful and some simple, but no page was ever the same.

And I thought to myself after looking through this book. Why isn't my sketchbook colorful? Sprinkled with paint and water, covered in pastels and chalk? I can only say that I remember a teacher telling me never draw finished pieces in your sketchbook. That teacher was wrong, you should draw and finish a piece where ever you please. So right now I'm going though my sketchbooks and filling in blank space, with sketches and scribbles, paints and glitter.

I'm loving the idea about the positive things, so I'm going to start working on stuff like that.

Picture on the Left: Pastels, watercolor, paper, pen, acrylic paint and glitter
Picture on the Right: Ink, Paper, Oil pencil, marker

So have you started drawing outside the lines lately?


  1. Ever heard of "art journaling"? It's pretty much what you did there in your post. But it's basically a visual journal. I've been doing more art journaling in my sketch book. Yay color!

    Check out Jennibelle on youtube:

    Out of the art journalists that I've come across she is the most through. I think that you well get a kick out of her videos because she reuses and repurposes ALOT of recyclable materials (cereal boxes, gift cards, paper protectors, etc.) into journals that she makes herself.

    And a added bonus she has a lovely english accent!

  2. This really inspired me to do the same! I already write down "positive things about myself" ever day, to keep the light in front of me, but trying something else but just typing is probably just what I need! colored ink and glitter, here I come!! XD

  3. wow thank you Kristin! She's amazing!

    And your welcome Zeruda! I'm glad I've inspired you today!
