
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Office Life : Pros and Cons

I've been working in an office for almost a year now. This is my first ever office job. I remember times when I was working at the movie theater or that fast food place, thinking…

How awesome would it be to work at an office right now? How awesome would it be to NOT wear a fricken uniform?! How awesome would it be to finally have a sense of fashion? Or getting to sit down?

And of course the final question.

How awesome would it be to sit at a desk and just work with a computer / pick up phones?!?! 

So after about a year, I've gathered some pro's and con's. As well as picked some up from other sources. 


You get to sit all day! So your feet never get sore! And ladies, you can actually wear heels, won't be on your feet most of the day anyway.

On that note, you also get to dress up. Want to look like James Bond? or some cutie from Mad Men? Well now you can! No one will think twice about it, they'll just think you were born with style.  

You can drink and eat pretty much all day. Not sure about you, but people at my job love their Monsters and soda/pop. And candy is a big thing to. 

Getting to gossip about unique customer calls with other agents. It's really easy to make new friends when you all have something in common.

A/C: heating and cooling. Never again having to deal with the cold or super hot drive thru window! YAY! 

Getting advice from the people around you. "How would you handle this situation, this guy is being kinda difficult?" Working with others in a office setting allows you to grab ideas from people around you. 

It's easier to keep your friends once you've made them. Just think! It's like school, you see them everyday. Your friendship can only get stronger. And you might become friends with someone you might have never thought about. 

Work outings! I'm not saying all office places do this. BUT! Mine does and it makes me very happy. Every month or so our whole department plains to go to places. Examples baseball games, laser tag, beach. We all vote and plan for that weekend of fun. 


Not being active, sometimes seating at a desk for 8-10 hours a day can suck. 

Being stressed/ lots of snacking/ high sugary drinks/ sitting around = Getting Fat, it happens.

Getting yelled at and cursed at by people.

Being to cold, A/C not always a good thing.

Can not wear PJ's to work, or jeans or your favorite band t-shirt. Suits and ties, and slack, skirts, and blouses everyday. Even on the days, you don't feel like dressing up. 


My own experience 

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