
Thursday, December 13, 2012


Good Thursday! one more day till Happy Friday! Those who work in offices or go to school, will understand what I mean on that. :D
Any who, back to what really matters! FOOD!!! Food is a very important thing in ones life, and so is experimenting! So I made these skewers last month, and I experimented! I was suppose to have long sticks of fresh rosemary, which I didn't have. But I did have wooden skewers! I didn't have mushrooms, so I used tofu and I added green bell peppers to liven up my lack of ingredients. While making the skewers I noticed I chopped the ingredients a little to small. Also on a side note, I've never grilled skewers before....   

I also had to grill on top of tin foil, so that my food didn't touch the grill (psh..vegan problems). While grilling I noticed that I should have oiled the tin foil because my tofu was sticking to it (still learning to master the art of tofu). But all in the end the skewers turned out great, I made a lot! and I got full off 4!

The sauce I sometimes have to get used to. You grow up making things with a tomato sauces from jars, which taste nothing like real sauce. To me with the sauces I've made for recipes are sweeter and less salted and spiced up. I get to really taste the sweetness of the tomatoes when I make my own sauce and I love it! I don't drown my noodles in sauce if I make my own either, the taste of the sauce is stronger and sweeter. That being said, I only need a little sauce to really enjoy the flavors of a dish.

Recipe from: Step-by-Step Delicious Vegetarian Food page 110

Things I'm Up to at the Moment
Getting my 3 gifts for secret santa at work ready! I'm really excited! This is my first office job secret santa! Preparing cookies to give out by the 19th, got my idea off Pinterest! Getting laundry done, while drinking coffee. Wrapping and putting last minute touches on gifts, while stressing out if I'll have the money to buy the very last of them in time for the holidays. 

~ So how do you like your tomato sauce?~ 


  1. Yum! I love eggplant! :). Cute blog, i'm a new follower!


    1. YOur blog is adorable!!! and eggplant is pretty amazing! AND thank you for following! That great news to hear since I'm newish to the blog scene. And I danced when I saw this.....I'm sooo XD

  2. This looks delicious! I'm vegan as well so I know alll about these "vegan problems" I blog some recipes from time to time too, you should come check them out!

    -Sara, Road to the Heart

    1. YAY!! Fellow vegan! I can't wait to read your blog and see these recipes! You may see I'll blog about them if I cook them. I'll let you know if I do. :)
