
Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years 2014 and Resolutions

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a safe and fun time, I know Tom and I did. Now for the past 2 posts I'd been complaining about how I needed to figure out what food to bring to my friends new years party. Well I figured it out! Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Twirls!!

Don't worry I made way more then what was in the picture. They turned out pretty good, BUT they would of been better if I added more pesto to the rolls, I added more garlic, and the red peppers were actually roasted instead of sautéed. But they still turned out good, and people ate them! I also brought over mixers and boozes.

So I pretty much told everyone they could use my camera, and they we played Wii games and played Card Against Humanity. It was a fun night filled will lots of laughs and talking. Pretty good end and start to a year. I'm so excited about this year, so so very excited! I've cleaned up my blog and want to learn more about blogging as a career. I want to start taking my interest more seriously and be the best I'm able to be! I want to move out of my parents basement, and start being a grown up again. 

I'm sorry but once you move back in with your parents, you just don't feel like an adult anymore. 

I'm not sure what my resolution was for this year, but I'm pretty sure I failed at whatever it was. haha 
This year will be different tho. Tom and I have made some new years resolutions. Tom's are pretty simple. Get us an apartment, promotion at work, and to get more fit. Mine are a little more complicated. 

I plan to cut High Fructose Corn Syrup from my diet for the whole year, try to practice my new piano everyday, eat better, and all around try to be better at this blog/own boss type thing. 

I hope this year brings us happiness, joy, and adventure!  

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